README.TXT ---------- ScrnSaveSwitch/Plus Windows Screen Saver On/Off Switch Version 2.50 for Microsoft Windows 3.1+ c 1994-95 AWS (Aaron Writes Software) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========= Summary ========= Protect your downloads, tape backups, and faxes; secure your workstation. Let your screen saver run when and only when you want it to! ScrnSaveSwitch/Plus lets you enable, disable, or start your Windows screen saver with a single mouse-click to a small button on your desktop. It also lets you set the screen saver delay in 1 second (rather than 1 minute) increments. Finally, it provides quick methods to restart your Windows session, to safely close Windows and reboot your machine, or to exit to DOS without the pesky "This will end your Windows session" OK/Cancel query. Totally configurable; includes hypertext Help. ============== Installation ============== 1. Move or copy SSSWITCH.EXE and SSSWITCH.HLP into a new or existing directory. 2. Add the SSSWITCH icon to your Program Manager (File/New/Program Item...). "StartUp" is a good program group to add it to. ========================== Why ScrnSaveSwitch/Plus? ========================== * So programs run correctly: Not all software behaves correctly if the screen saver suddenly comes on. Clicking the green dot Button to red is a simple and convenient way to protect your downloads, tape backups, faxes, etc. * Security: If your screen saver is password-protected, a quick click of the "S" Button starts the screen saver immediately and lets you leave your workstation without fear of others' prying. (Remember that the Windows screen saver will not start otherwise if the active application is a DOS program, whether it's running full screen or windowed! Click that Button!) * So you can work: Your computer can't tell whether you're reading what's on the screen, attending to another matter, or fast asleep! It's all "inactivity" as far as the computer is concerned - but it can be an annoying interruption to you. + Plus - The "Windows Exit" utilities: Many programs never release the memory resources they acquire. The only way to make those resources available again is to quit Windows and then restart it. Sometimes a whole reboot is required to restore a system to "normal"! These utilities make that reinitialization safe, simple, fast and keyboard-free. (By the way, they also let you bypass the "This will end your Windows session" OK/Cancel query.)